dermal fillers south florida center

Fillers and Injectables

Major surgery isn’t always necessary to achieve dramatic results and give a more youthful appearance. At The South Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery, our physicians are committed to providing highly effective, minimally invasive procedures as an alternative to more extensive surgery. We offer a variety of innovative injectables and fillers that can smooth wrinkles, improve skin texture, and restore volume in the face. Popular treatments include Juvederm, Restylane, Radiesse, Sculptra, Belotero Balance, and the Non-Surgical Nose Job.

Lip filler south florida center medical spa


Juvederm is one of our most-requested wrinkle relaxers to smooth fine lines and wrinkles on the face. The procedure is virtually painless and can be completed in about 30 minutes.

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One of the most exciting advances in minimally invasive cosmetic treatment is the development of soft tissue fillers such as Restylane. Restylane is used to minimize fine lines and plump the lips, creating a more youthful appearance.

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Hands are often one of the first parts of the body to show signs of aging. Radiesse can be used for both the face and hands to eliminate wrinkles and create a smoother complexion.

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Restoring volume to your face can help smooth fine lines and create a more youthful appearance. Sculptra is a dermal filler used to promote collagen production and eliminate wrinkles.

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Excess fat under the chin and neck can be difficult to get rid of. Kybella is an injectable used to eliminate the appearance of a "double chin" and create a more flattering profile.

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Belotero Balance

Loss of volume and elasticity can age the face and make you look tired. Belotero Balance is a hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler used to smooth wrinkles and create a more youthful complexion.

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Non-Surgical Nose Job

Sometimes rhinoplasty surgery isn't necessary to eliminate bumps and reshape the nose. Non-surgical nose jobs use dermal fillers to recontour the nose, and treatment can be completed in less than an hour.

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Non-Surgical Facelift

Surgery isn't always necessary to achieve age-defying results. PDO threads are synthetic absorbable surgical sutures used to induce collagen production and improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

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